Committed to Safety, Efficiency and Protecting the Marine Environment
The 19 vessels represented by Groundfish Forum operate under a comprehensive suite of strictly enforced federal and state laws which govern responsible labor practices, environmental protection, and vessel safety.
Recapitalization of the Fleet
To safely produce exceptional quality fish products in a highly competitive international market, Groundfish Forum member companies have committed over $300 million for new vessel construction and retrofits. This capital investment means the fleet will stay competitive in global seafood markets, ensuring its continued economic impact. As an example, one vessel constructed in Washington state represented the largest private shipbuilding investment in the last 12 years. The $75 million boat was built with 5.3 million lbs. of U.S. steel, creating 650,000 labor hours for highly skilled, highly paid U.S. shipyard workers and union subcontractors.
New Boats are Greener and More Efficient
New and retrofitted boats in the Groundfish Forum fleet allow for better retention and utilization of fish products, improve fuel efficiency, provide comfortable crew accommodations and ensure unmatched vessel safety. Cutting-edge breakthroughs in environmental and operating efficiency of new catcher/processors in our fleet reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 25 percent.