Economic benefits of the Groundfish Forum fleet flow primarily to the states of Washington and Alaska.


Jobs. Our fleet directly employs 2,225 crew members annually with wages totaling $113 million in 2019, and our operations support an additional 2,800 year-round jobs in 11 Alaska coastal communities.

Expenditures. In 2019, the fleet purchased $57.9 million in goods and services in Alaska.  In addition, the fleet paid $5.8 million in taxes and assessments to the State of Alaska and communities.

Major Alaska Fisheries. Flatfish, rockfish, and Atka mackerel caught by our fleet made up 14% of the volume, 9% of the ex-vessel value, and 10% of the first wholesale value of all commercially caught seafood in Alaska, a value of $443 million in 2018.

CDQ Groups Benefit, Too. The Community Development Quota (CDQ) program established ownership of groundfish fisheries quota for six nonprofit groups representing 65 small communities in Western Alaska.  Groundfish Forum members lease quota from these nonprofits, providing direct income to these communities.  In 2019, the value of CDQ harvest by the fleet was more than $26 million.  CDQ groups also hold ownership positions in Groundfish Forum member companies and share in their success.


Jobs. In addition to direct employment of 2,225 crew members annually with wages totaling $113 million in 2019, our operations support an additional 1,700 year-round jobs in Washington.

Expenditures. In 2019, the fleet purchased $214 million in goods and services in Washington, including $35 million in Puget Sound shipyards.